Creep Blocking, DotA-Allstars Strategy Guide

Creep blocking in mainly used in the beginning of the game to stall your own creeps from getting to point B from point A. Point A being the spawning point of those creeps (The Rax in your lane). Point B is the connecting point, were your creeps and your opponent’s creeps connect and start to fight.

By stalling the creeps you move them closer to your side of the map, making you much safer from ganks attacks. You always want to try and stay directly in front of them.

To stall them you can either walk continuously in front, or you can also click the “H” button and then click forward immediately. This will cause your hero to stop for a split second, and if the creeps are behind you they will fumble around you.

This allows you to attack your opponent’s and creeps without fear of being attacked. You now have the fog of war and evasion on your side. Yes, I said evasion. Anytime you attack an opponent or get attacked yourself up a hill, there is an extremely high chance of missing (I’m not sure on the exact number, I think it is around 25%). So always make sure you are on a hill or attacking down a hill.

You should be pressing the “H” button as much as possible, without letting the creeps pass you.

hat you will do the same (if you don’t think they normally would).