mouz|Drayich (Leader) temporarily leaves mousesports

It has just been announced that a great player and leader have announced that he is going inactive and stepping back as leader. It`s the known Sweden Kim Drayich Larsson, the Germany mouseports team captain.

Interview of Drayich:

•Why did you decide to temporarily leave the dota scene?

My strenght as a teamcaptain and player of mousesports is my great spirit and leadership. Due to my current reallife situation, having another kid coming in februari, my new house and my new job i lack that spirit. I got other things on my mind, thats why i step down and hopefully i can grow it back over time.

Lately many known players in the competitive DotA section seems to step back due to real life issues, and this is of course something that must be respected but at the same time many fans will miss their idols and "heroes".

Some time ago it was announced that Drayich wouldn`t attend to the known DreamHack event, and he also seemed to be a bit inactive lately due to his real life duties, such as his new job, house and his pregnant wife (2nd child).

Nevertheless it was amazing to see a great player and leader as Drayich being able to manage competitive DotA and real life. But he decided to leave the DotA scene and stated that he would be off until this year is over at least.

The guy to replace Drayich is going to be Sweden mouz|Twisted, being sort of a co-leader.

This leaves the mousesports roster as following.